March 13, 2002

boxesandarrows evolt builder

Boxes and Arrows: Because we can.

From their "About" page:

"Boxes and Arrows is the definitive source for the complex task of bringing architecture and design to the digital landscape. There are various titles and professions associated with this undertaking—information architecture, information design, interaction design, interface design—but when we looked at the work that we were actually doing, we found a “community of practice” with similarities in outlook and approach that far outweighed our differences.

"Boxes and Arrows is a peer-written journal dedicated to discussing, improving and promoting the work of this community, through the sharing of exemplary technique, innovation and informed opinion.

"Boxes and Arrows strives to provoke thinking among our peers, to push the limits of the accepted boundaries of these practices and to challenge the status quo by teaching new or better techniques that translate into results for our companies, our clients and our comrades."

I've only had time to read (and comment on, twice) one article (The evolving homepage: The growth of three booksellers by Victor Lombardi) and I'm already hooked. This has all the makings of a truly outstanding, um, magazine? Community? Whatever. I've always liked Evolt, but this seems to be headed more in the direction that interests me the most.

Maybe it'll somehow make up for the "improvement" of What a pile of crap they turned that into, another IT babblespeak site. Like IT sites weren't already a commodity.

Posted by Lee at March 13, 2002 04:41 PM
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