July 03, 2003

busy busy

Finally, I finished making Tony's ebook Life is War. I like the cover: View image. Tony's wife, Monika, did the camouflage background (I distorted it badly to make it fit the ebook format -- sorry Monika!), which Tony calls "Swedish camouflage." I used plain ol' Georgia for the body font (I like Georgia--it's friendly) and Flexure for the display font (in the body and on the cover). Flexure was designed by Stephen Farrell and is sold on T-26 for $39. T-26 says it's a text face font, but they're nuts.

You can read about and buy Life is War here: buy Life is War for $9.99. Pretty soon we'll have it up on Puppet Press. I like making ebooks, but lord they do take a lot of time. That is, if you care about how they look, the grammar, spelling, layout, stuff like that. And I do. This one took something like 15 hours. It's a good book--I recommend it to anyone in any kind of a recovery program or even thinking about how to cope with the crap life throws at you. I like the drawings, too.

MY BIG DILEMMA: Dean or Edwards? I'm leaning toward Dean.

Posted by Lee at July 3, 2003 08:39 PM | TrackBack

I'm for Dean, Lee. Frankly, he's the best of the Dems out there. Indeed, he's not perfect - but he's quite impressive, and a great person to boot (met him a couple of weeks back and got to talk with him for a good while - smart and affable, he is).

Whee? Whee!

Posted by: Rudi Riet at July 9, 2003 09:08 PM
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