Picked a good day for playing hooky
My sister visited from Michigan. We wanted to take a day trip and debated about which day to go, but we figured if we didn't do it Monday it would be harder to break into the workweek to do it later. We made the right choice: on Monday, the temperature was in the 70s and it was sunny, though with a haze that made the sky not quite the bright blue of Autumn. A gorgeous gorgeous day. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the weather was downright nasty. So, yes, a good choice.We went to Stonington to see the lighthouse there, which was very pretty. What an interesting town--we'll go back there in the spring to explore it more. Then to Mystic, where we wandered downtown for a while, then went to Mystic Seaport, which is a museum reproducing a fishing (or whaling?) village from days gone by. Wish we would've had more time, but we didn't get there until about 2:00 and dark comes early these days. We'll go back there, too. Stanley took this picture as we were leaving:

My dad turned 75 on Wednesday. And my parents celebrated their 49th anniversary. Time accumulates. Or, as Stanley sez, tempus keeps fugiting.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/07/03 at 05:39 AM
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